1. The matrix is porous and airy and it features high organic matter content. After it is mixed with red subsoil, the mixture, added with granular agent, will create a sound granular structure. It features high side slope adhesion and washout resistance. Besides, it preserves moisture and boasts high gas permeability. This helps to provide a good environment for the growth of root systems of plants.
2. It contains the nutrient elements which are necessary for the growth of plants and guarantees the satisfaction of nutrition needs of growth of landscaping plants, promoting quick growth and fast landscaping restoration of side slopes.
3. Made from purely natural raw materials, it is safe and environmentally friendly and free of any pollution to the environment.

N+P2O5+K2O≥4%, organic matter ≥50%, pH value: 5.5-7.5. non-compression capacity: 80L±5L
During application: mix the spray-seeding bottom matrix with red subsoil at the proportion of 6:4 on site and then add water-retaining agents, adhesive agents, granular agents and other external agents. Stir the mixture evenly and spray it onto a tidied side slope through spray-seeding machines. Then mix spray-seeding surface materials with red subsoil at the proportion of 6:4 and then add water-retaining agents, adhesive agents, granular agents and other external agents as well as landscaping plant seeds. Stir the mixture evenly and spray it onto the side slope bottom matrix through spray-seeding machines.
Ecological restoration of a wide variety of bare side slopes, including express highway side slopes, railway side slopes, mines, etc.
1、Before sprouting, cover the seeds with non-woven fabrics and other covering to preserve moisture and maintain temperature, which is beneficial to sprouting.
2、Pay attention to water management during the seedling period.